EU Commission Proposes Rules Requiring all Packaging to be Recyclable by 2030.

To address this growing source of waste and consumer resentment, the EU Commission is implementing new packaging regulations that would apply to the entire EU. The average European generates about 180 kg of packing waste each year. Packaging accounts for 40% of the plastic and 50% of the paper used in the EU, making it one of the largest consumers of virgin materials. If nothing is done, by 2030, there will be 19% more packaging trash in the EU and 46% more plastic packaging waste.

The new regulations are intended to curb this trend. These regulations will provide possibilities for reusable packaging, do away with pointless packaging, restrict overpackaging, and offer clear labelling to encourage proper recycling. They will offer new economic opportunities, particularly for small businesses, reduce the need for virgin materials, increase Europe’s recycling capacity, and reduce Europe’s reliance on primary resources and external suppliers. By doing so, the packaging sector will be on track to become climate neutral by 2050.

The Commission also clarifies biobased, compostable, and biodegradable plastics for consumers and industry, stating which applications such plastics are indeed environmentally beneficial for and how they should be designed, disposed of, and recycled.

The proposals are critical components of the European Green Deal’s Circular Economy Action Plan and its goal of making sustainable products the norm. They also respond to specific demands made by Europeans at the Future of Europe Conference.

Preventing packaging waste, boosting reuse and refill, and making all packaging recyclable by 2030

The proposed revision of the EU legislation on Packaging and Packaging Waste has three main objectives. First, to prevent the generation of packaging waste: reduce it in quantity, restrict unnecessary packaging and promote reusable and refillable packaging solutions. Second, to boost high quality (‘closed loop’) recycling: make all packaging on the EU market recyclable in an economically viable way by 2030. And finally, to reduce the need for primary natural resources and create a well-functioning market for secondary raw materials, increasing the use of recycled plastics in packaging through mandatory targets.

The proposal will clarify which packaging belongs to which recycling bin. Every piece of packaging will carry a label showing what the packaging is made of and in which waste stream it should go. Waste collection containers will carry the same labels. The same symbols will be used everywhere in the EU.

By 2030, the proposed measures would bring greenhouse gas emissions from packaging down to 43 million tonnes compared to 66 million if the legislation is not changed – the reduction is about as much as the annual emissions of Croatia. Water use would be reduced by 1.1 million m3. The costs of environmental damage for the economy and society would be reduced by €6.4 billion relative to the baseline 2030.

Single-use packaging industries will have to invest in a transition, but the overall economic and job creation impact in the EU is positive. Boosting reuse alone is expected to lead to more than 600,000 jobs in the reuse sector by 2030, many of them at local small and medium-sized companies. We expect much innovation in packaging solutions making it convenient to reduce, reuse and recycle. Measures are also likely to save money: each European could save almost €100 per year if businesses translate savings to consumers. 

Clearing up confusion around biobased, biodegradable and compostable plastics

The use and production of biobased, biodegradable and compostable plastics have been steadily increasing. Several conditions must be met for these plastics to have positive environmental impacts rather than exacerbating plastic pollution, climate change and biodiversity loss.

The Commission’s new framework clarifies in what way these plastics can be part of a sustainable future.

Biomass used to produce biobased plastics must be sustainably sourced, with no harm to the environment and in respect of the ‘cascading use of biomass’ principle: producers should prioritise the use of organic waste and by-products as feedstock. In addition, to fight greenwashing and avoid misleading consumers, producers must avoid generic claims on plastic products such as ‘bioplastics’ and ‘biobased’. When communicating on biobased content, producers should refer to the exact and measurable share of biobased plastic content in the product (for example: ‘the product contains 50% biobased plastic content’).

Biodegradable plastics must be approached with caution. They have their place in a sustainable future, but they need to be directed to specific applications where their environmental benefits and value for the circular economy are proven. Biodegradable plastics should by no means provide a licence to litter. Also, they must be labelled to show how long they will take to biodegrade, under which circumstances and in which environment. Products that are likely to be littered, including those covered by the Single-Use Plastics Directive, cannot be claimed or labelled as biodegradable.

Industrially compostable plastics should only be used when they have environmental benefits, they do not negatively affect the quality of the compost and when there is a proper biowaste collection and treatment system in place. Industrially compostable packaging will only be allowed for tea bags, filter coffee pods and pads, fruit and vegetable stickers, and very light plastic bags. The products must always specify that they are certified for industrial composting, in line with EU standards.

Next steps

The European Parliament and the Council will now consider the packaging and packaging waste proposal in the ordinary legislative procedure.

The policy framework on biobased, biodegradable and compostable plastics will guide future EU work on this issue, for example, ecodesign requirements for sustainable products, funding programmes and international discussions. The Commission encourages citizens, public authorities and businesses to use this framework in their policy, investment or purchasing decisions.


Goods need packaging to be protected and safely transported, but packaging and packaging waste significantly impact the environment and the use of virgin materials. Packaging waste is growing, frequently at a faster pace than GDP. Packaging waste increased by more than 20% over the last 10 years in the EU and is forecast to soar by another 19% by 2030 if no action is taken.

Biobased, biodegradable and compostable plastics are emerging daily as alternatives to conventional plastics. Citizens can find them, for example, in packaging, consumer goods and textiles and other sectors. Since they are called ‘bio’, consumers have the perception that they are necessarily good for the environment. However, this is only true to a certain extent.

Today’s package addressing these issues follows the first Circular Economy package of measures adopted in March 2022. It included the new Regulation on Ecodesign for Sustainable Products and the EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles. It proposed new steps to empower consumers and enable them to play a fuller role in the green transition.

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