S&P Dow Jones Indices Announces Dow Jones Sustainability Indices 2022 Review Results: Key Highlights

Stock Market Index Dow Jones has announced its 2022 Sustainability World Index, consisting of global sustainability leaders identified by S&P Global through the Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA). The S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) is an annual evaluation of companies’ sustainability practices. This survey includes questions on human rights, climate strategy and corporate governance.

Key Highlights:

· During 2022, the total number of companies invited to participate in the CSA increased from approximately 11,000 to more than 13,800. 3,519 companies were eligible for selection into a Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI).

· Major updates were applied in the 2022 assessment for all industries on environmental policy and management systems, climate strategy, and occupational health & safety. For specific industries, additional questions were posed in areas such as biodiversity and decarbonization strategy for banks, insurance, and other financial companies.

· 81 Indian companies have participated out of 158 companies invited to complete the CSA. The top 5 market capitalization additions in DJSI emerging markets include 3 Indian companies: Hindustan Unilever Ltd, Adani Enterprises and Tata Motors Ltd.

· Nordic property company Castellum has received top marks in the seventh year’s assessment.

· Santander scored 83 points out of 100, placing it in the 98th percentile of all banks reviewed. Nevertheless, the bank is among the top three European banks in this index. The group ended the first half of the year as the world’s leader in renewable energy finance, with over 2.4 billion euros in 33 funding transactions and a worldwide market share of 6.4%, according to Infralogic’s ranking.

· More businesses from China, India, Taiwan, and Thailand have been added to the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices this year. The number of Asian firms in the emerging markets category of the index rose from 75 last year to 82 this year out of about 110 companies in total, including entities from Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

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