ReNew Power Installs 3x Platform Wind Turbine Generators in India

ReNew Power, India’s one of largest renewable energy companies, said it has installed the country’s first 3x platform Wind Turbine Generators (WTG) in the southern Indian state of Karnataka, according to the press release.

The WTGs are 128-140m tall and have a nameplate capacity of 3.3-3.465 MW. They provide significantly more capacity than previous models installed in India, which typically have a nameplate capacity of 2-3 MW.

The new WTGs will be part of the country’s first ‘Round The Clock’ renewable energy project, combining wind, solar, and a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). This project will annually generate enough energy to power over one million Indian households.

In a national first for an Indian company other than an OEM, the installations were completed entirely in-house by the wind EPC team, including land procurement, foundation construction, crane management for the WTG installations, and transmission build-out. As a result, reNew completed the WTG on-site installations in 5 days each.

ReNew Power has now installed more than 400MW of WTGs at various sites in Karnataka and Gujarat, led by a specialised Wind Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) team. Together with the new WTGs, these installations will allow ReNew to meet its overall portfolio of 13.4 GW. In addition, 1500 MW of wind power projects are under construction in Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Gujarat, with completion scheduled for FY23. Furthermore, additional installations of three Platform Wind Turbine Generators are planned for other locations.

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