Swiss Regulator Finds FIFA Made False Claims About Carbon Neutrality at Qatar World Cup

According to a Swiss regulator, FIFA, the international governing body for soccer, has made false and misleading statements about the reduced environmental impact of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. The Swiss Fairness Commission, a self-regulatory body for advertising and communications, investigated claims that FIFA marketed the tournament as carbon neutral and found them to be unsubstantiated.

The commission, while not having state-enforceable judgments, advised FIFA against making such claims without evidence and said that complainants usually comply voluntarily with its recommendations. FIFA acknowledged the environmental impact of its events but is analyzing the commission’s recommendation and may appeal. Complainants from Switzerland, France, Belgium, the UK, and the Netherlands accused FIFA of making false statements regarding carbon neutrality.

The commission upheld all five complaints, stating that FIFA failed to provide proof of the accuracy of its claims. The Climate Alliance, a network of groups that lodged the complaint, expressed concerns about the environmental impact of stadium construction and travel to the tournament. The commission emphasized that sustainability goals cannot be claimed as achieved without accepted methods for measurement and implementation of measures.

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