U.S. Treasury To Announce $1 Billion Loan For Multilateral Clean Technology Fund

On Thursday, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will announce a $950 million loan to the Clean Technology Fund (CTF), a multilateral trust fund that helps developing countries accelerate their transition from coal power to clean energy.

Treasury said that the first-of-its-kind contribution from the U.S. Treasury makes good on a U.S. pledge made at the 2021 Group of Seven summits alongside other G7 countries.

Treasury Assistant Secretary for International Trade Alexia Latortue called the loan a “strong down payment” on President Joe Biden’s pledge to spend $11 billion on climate finance and said it reflected continued U.S. support for emerging market countries as they transitioned away from fossil fuels.

The loan will support U.S. climate commitments, including Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETPs), while funding CTF projects developed by multilateral development banks in alignment with South Africa, Indonesia, India, and the Philippines as they accelerate their shift away from coal.

Treasury said that the U.S. money could fund the installation of new renewable energy equipment, the retirement of older coal plants and various support programs that promote new investment and employment in communities affected by the energy transition.

Yellen will announce the loan in a speech at the Center for Global Development ahead of next week’s annual World Bank and International Monetary Fund meetings.

Last year, South Africa, India, Indonesia and the Philippines became the first recipients of the Accelerating Coal Transition (ACT) program developed by the CTF.

The four countries account for 15% of global emissions related to coal, the dirtiest fossil fuel. Cutting their emissions more quickly will help the global effort for net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

The CTF is one of two multi-donor trust funds set up under the Climate Investment Funds (CIF), an initiative created by the world’s biggest economies in 2008 to help poorer countries shift more quickly to a low-carbon economy.

“With this new contribution, the United States is helping create new jobs, new sustainable markets while reducing emissions, and by doing so, securing our shared climate future,” CIF CEO Mafalda Duarte said in a statement.

Source: Reuters

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