United States Announces $94 Billion of Global Public Funding To Accelerate Clean Energy Worldwide

Nearly 400 CEOs and 34 Nations participated in the first-ever Global Clean Energy Action Forum held last week in Pittsburgh to accelerate new technology commercialization and bolster the global transition to net-zero emissions. The event ended with an incredible array of announcements, including a commitment of $94 billion for clean energy demonstration projects backed by 16 countries. This announcement seems to align with a recent report from the International Energy Agency (IEA) that found that at least $90 billion of public funding needs to be raised by 2026 for commercial-scale clean energy demonstration projects to meet global climate goals. 

This three-day conference also convened the 13th Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) and 7th Mission Innovation Ministerial (MI), two essential international platforms for collaboration on clean energy innovation and deployment.

The United States released several announcements at the Global Clean Energy Action Forum, including: 

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