85% of Organizations Boosted Sustainability Investments in 2024, Up from 75% in 2023: Deloitte

Deloitte’s 2024 CxO Sustainability Report highlights a rising commitment to sustainability, with 85% of CxOs increasing their investments, compared to 75% last year. This trend shows that climate action remains a priority on corporate agendas.

Technology as a Driver

Half of CxOs have already implemented tech solutions to meet climate goals, while another 42% plan to do so within the next two years. This adoption of technology is seen as essential for developing sustainable products and services.

Innovation Fuels Change

45% of executives are reworking their business models to focus on sustainability, recognizing climate change as both a challenge and an opportunity. CEO Ucuzoglu notes that more companies are “transforming their core business models to tackle climate change.”

Business Value through Sustainability

92% of leaders believe their companies can reduce greenhouse gas emissions while fostering growth. The report positions sustainability as a key driver of business performance, enhancing factors like supply chain efficiency and operating margins.

However, progress is uneven. While some organizations are taking meaningful steps, many need to scale up their efforts. As climate concerns grow, executives are encouraged to intensify actions, using sustainability to drive both transformation and business value. The journey toward a net-zero economy calls for stronger, decisive action across industries.

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