Global ESG Regulation Increases by 155% Over the Past Decade

ESG Book, a leading provider of sustainability data and technology, has released new analysis revealing a significant increase in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) regulations over the past decade. The research shows that since 2011, 1,255 ESG regulations have been introduced worldwide, compared to 493 regulations published between 2001 and 2010. This represents a 155% growth in ESG regulations.

The analysis is based on data from the Reporting Exchange, ESG Book’s platform that offers real-time access to ESG reporting requirements, standards, and indicators. With the complexity of the global reporting landscape, companies and investors are facing challenges in navigating and keeping up with the latest regulatory changes. The Reporting Exchange covers over 2,400 ESG regulations across more than 80 jurisdictions, providing up-to-date information.

Additionally, ESG Book has digitized and mapped over 1,700 unique ESG reporting indicators from industry standards and frameworks, supporting users in meeting disclosure requirements. ESG Book aims to transform sustainability data for financial markets by combining real-time sustainability data with a cloud-native disclosure platform. The company serves over 100 institutional clients and its data is accessible through Bloomberg Terminals worldwide.

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